Title: Yaya Toure: It’s great to work with Mancini at the Saudi national team Rephrased: Working with Mancini at the Saudi national team has been a wonderful experience for Yaya Toure.
Yaya Toure, the former star of the Ivory Coast national team, expressed his happiness at working as an assistant coach to the Italian head coach of the Saudi national team, Roberto Mancini.
Toure posted pictures of his first training session with the Saudi national team on his former Twitter account today, Monday, adding a comment: “It’s great to work with Mancini in the Saudi national football team. Thanks to the people of Al-Ahsa for the wonderful reception. Let’s do this.”
The Saudi national team launched its current camp in the province of Al-Ahsa in preparation for the first and second rounds of the second stage of the Asian qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup and the 2027 Asian Cup.
The people of Al-Ahsa welcomed the Saudi national team delegation upon their arrival, and a celebratory ceremony was organized for them, including a dance by Toure and Mancini to the Saudi traditional dance.