Title: “6 Teams Qualify for the Champions League Round of 16” Reworded: “Six Teams Secure Their Spots in the Champions League Round of 16”
Six clubs have secured their place in the Round of 16 in the 2023-2024 UEFA Champions League after the end of the group stage.
After four rounds of competition in the group stage, Bayern Munich, Real Madrid, Real Sociedad, Inter, Manchester City, and Leipzig have successfully advanced to the knockout stage of the UEFA Champions League.
Only three clubs managed to qualify with a perfect record of 12 points out of 12, which are Bayern Munich, Real Madrid, and Manchester City.
Real Sociedad and Inter advanced from Group 4, while Benfica and Salzburg bid farewell to the European competition.
The same applies to Group 7, where Manchester City and Leipzig secured their spots at the expense of Sheriff Tiraspol and Young Boys.
The remaining clubs are expected to compete for the 10 additional spots in the Round of 16.
Manchester City is the reigning champion of the UEFA Champions League, following their 1-0 victory over Inter in the final match.